I miss that before, I'd say. And would say more, but now words flee through then I recite the pieces of my senses in a strange melody leaving the whole and every part, almost lost consciousness, I fell pain returning And that's what keep me alive, Only my eyes could see it Words seal my past and what I've done The moon is a witness of my fate That's all coming through Ink can't prove that I tell the truth But God will make my part And the last time seeing the moon I whisper a prayer Many ways crossed in this distant land, and I fear keep in mind what hadn't occurred. And I'm still looking for: An empty space, a hollow, a slot to sell me and absolve me That's the why, in sorrow, I'm writing my Moonlight Epitaph. My moonlight Epitaph An empty space, a hollow, a slot to sell me and absolve me That's the why, in sorrow, I'm writing my Moonlight Epitaph. An empty space, a hollow, I'm not supposed to bleed I'm on my knees in front of my grave And I write my Moonlight Epitaph.