Stay strong, 'Cause you're fighting everyday, Like a song, 'Cause you try stay alive today. Stay strong, You try to stand up, 'Cause you're young, Just believe in yourself. Todos os dias você se lembrava Que sofria, Porque acreditava No que diziam, Mas quando você ria, Todos invejavam, E quando você caía, Todos amavam, Você é forte E está sempre se levantando, Pois ao seu lado estará sempre a sorte, Porque era o que você tanto estava esperando. Stay strong, 'Cause you're fighting everyday, Like a song, 'Cause you try stay alive today. Stay strong, You try to stand up, 'Cause you're young, Just believe in yourself. Renasça, Pois era o que você queria, Refaça Tudo o que te feria Faça suas cicatrizes Se curarem, Pensando em frases Que te alegrem. Stay strong, 'Cause you're fighting everyday, Like a song, 'Cause you try stay alive today. Stay strong, You try to stand up, 'Cause you're young, Just believe in yourself. Just be who you are, The people loves you The way you are, Don't forget be... Stay strong... Stay strong, 'Cause you're fighting everyday, Like a song, 'Cause you try stay alive today. Stay strong, You try to stand up, 'Cause you're young, Just believe in yourself.