Yung Ro

When I see

Yung Ro

Just because I didn't tell you, do you not know my mind? 
When I see you hesitate, I feel helpless 

Whenever I see you 
I'll wait for you forever, but why don't you know how I feel? 

Are you just gona ignore it again today? 
If you just tell me how you love me with your eyes, what good does that do? 

I think we're too much alike 
I don't want to admit it first 

You are too kind to my friends 
So I get jealous 

I can't even complain a little 
Am I still your friend? 

Oh My Love, tell me today 
Tell me that you love me * 

I waited for you all this time with the same mind 
You are always gonna be my love 

I often fake lots of smiles 
And talk to your friends 

I then notice the sad look on my face 
Why can't you tell me? 

Oh my love, I'm close to you 
Hold me before it's too late 

* Repeat 

I've always been waiting for you with the same devoted feeling 
You are always gonna be my love