Yuna Ito

Tokyo Days

Yuna Ito

Thank you Dear Sunshine 
For a dream come true 
Thank you Dear Moonlight 
Another chance for you 

shigunaru ga kawaru tabi Where am I 
kousa suru machi no oto Is this real 

sabishi sa ga uzu o maku Cross Road 
fukuzatsu na rosen zu ni Sigh sigh sigh ... 

Tokyo Days kyuukutsu na sora miage te 
soredemo koko ni iru furueru kokoro o idai te 

Twenty Four Seven 
Lookin ' For Heaven 
watashi ga eran da basho 
yume o shinji tai to omoeru basho 
mayoi nagara mo This is for my life 

omoidasu odayaka na umi to 
natsukashii tomodachi no egao 

Night & Day seikai nante doko ni mo nai 
namida no ato tadotte susumu shika nai toshite mo 

Twenty Four Seven 
Lookin ' For Heaven 
kodoku o shiru tabi ni 
hito no yasashi sa ni ki dukeru basho 
kyou mo aruko u kono machi de 

( Ever to be true All or Nothing is my word ) 

Look there closely What Do I see 
Bits and pieces together so sweet 

kitto sukoshi zutsu wakari hajime te iru 
kesshite kawara nai daiji na mono 

Twenty Four Seven 
Lookin ' For Heaven 
watashi ga eran da basho 
tsuyoku nari tai to omoeru basho 
nai te waratte This is for my life ...