Yuichi Inumaru


Yuichi Inumaru

You found me here, naked
In this secret pure room
I found you there misplaced
I saw there was some me in you

You played my game of being God
Dived deep, travelled through
By building worlds on words
We saw in lies there was some truth

You want the Moon to light the day
So hearts can shine and souls unite
I tell the Sun to kiss the shades
I make the seas embrace the night

You meet me here, I catch a star
Give you the light to shine on me
I want to hear you say we are
And we were always meant to be

This gift is our present
Leave illusions far behind
Past is memory, future is theory
Stay in here with me forever

In this giving present
Heaven is here and now with you
Fate can't make mistakes
True love’s our last endeavor

The cold night wind calls me
As I wander through the black
Can't stop dreaming over
The sacred place we share

As I lay down my head
In the midst of that velvet lawn
At the perfect sky I stare
Full Moon sets in silver dawn

Bliss and sore awaits us
And I used to let them take me whole
But I felt my soul weightless
Your presence warming my soul

You say you’ll show me who I am
All it takes is for me to love
All I am and all there is
And all else will unfold

This gift is our present
Leave illusions far behind
Past is memory, future is theory
Stay in here with me forever

In this giving present
Heaven is here and now with you
Fate can't make mistakes
True love’s our last endeavor