included defined my masses of classes headers i compiled and distribute open source if youd like to contribute arrays on arrays my stack grows a tribute to pushing and popping xor and nopping systematic file locking my sql knows no equal indexed with my brain got a million people eagerly waiting my macro advances running with my beta cuz im taking chances increment i do while others keystyle flavor to the nth goes to the nth mile main function harness execution flow arguments pass on and my programs slow pass sleep to the infinite my function so intimate i know my code better than you view source my code is mental to the exponential cyborg the quintessential jacked in the matrix since day one i see all the code and i watch it run view source my code is mental to the exponential cyborg the quintessential jacked in the matrix since day one i see all the code and i watch it run see all the code and i watch it run see all the code and i watch it run see all the code and i watch it run see all the code and i watch it run my fondness for subroutines the code of machines lies within my register set i xed every 86 86ed every x buffer overflow in every respect now like a horse im chomping at the bit but 8 times that then i make it a hit cuz my bytes a lot worse than my bark and im saving more screens than after dark zero to one then one to zero the nerd rap platinum superhero since sweet sixteen the hexidecimal being the king is somewhat stressful with every gig i secure a gig catch me on tour in a black toaureg rolling with wifi on your block prospering like dr spock