Youve heard my introduction About a thousand times in a thousand rhymes But now cat5 on the block supplying this beat That new age hax0r leet Its that nerd stuff You know how i word stuff Just a little bit of scrabble style And if im not winning with the triple word scores And my seven letter bonus i dont wanna hear more Haters on hiphop boards and metafilter Talking shit about ya boy like i aint built ta Last or be up in this rap game driven by Bling and bentley balling lets sing Stc we are the greatest Ytcracker lets hear some of your latest The nerd rap king since 98 All you bitches bow down or meet your fate Now you know this beat by silent john Gon be some science fiction shit And all you lesser mammals know That i bump this in my new spaceship Im a tri lam alumus Fraternity for eternity westside check your compass I got an army of fans coast to coast Planet to planet the galaxial spamtec bandit If your xwing is damaged and you need to land it Ima tell you stay away from the tatooine sand pit But enough about star wars Or star trek Quantum leap Or the world of warcraft Everybody is an addict to the phat shit That i keep dropping and i aint stopping Even if you cant follow along to a spam song You can bob your head and get your groove on I can use a slide rule Im old school My protractor doesnt get much action Cuz i know all the angles and im relaxing Just another rapper half anglo saxon Can i get a spammer - no quit asking Im lawful good and im outta that faction Just another geek with a sense of fashion Still wearing ecko with the reebok traction Ladies love me like james and im macking Cuz i got what other dudes they be lacking Look in my pants and youll see im packing A mini me trying to do a little ytcracking Sir issac newton says that every action Requires an opposite reaction These are my credentials so read the facts son The biggest hacker since steven jackson