Birds can be heard pecking their way out of ribcages This bone surround resounds, please give them a cuttlefish! There's a lump inside my throat There are worms inside my oesophagus Who'll tear my interior? Who'll stab this area? Who'll stab this area? Who will? I'm not the captain, but if I was the captain I'd fire on your ship to light torches in the ocean Flickering like peregrine It's perched in the vein like a tern or a doctor's spike Digging in search of primitive life To dry out slowly this strong muscle The sound of an aviary's akin to a chamber Sex makes idiots of us all! I thought I could sense a mutiny So I grabbed the nearest weapon But this ancient-old pedigree That cuts through the foam like a bow Caught me by the wrist and said You'd better count on something else than violence Cause in it's turn it brings horrors And down this tunnel the rowdy-mouth of a train's wheels Is trying to fright blood from the heart in a marching band Have heart in the marching band pose Because the capriciousness of love presents itself as a clatter And under the canopy cries hurt the middle of this forest