Youth Brigade

Men In Blue (Part 1)

Youth Brigade

What are we gonna do about
The men in blue what are we
Gonna do they really pissed
Me off last night oh it was a
Terrible sight beating up on
Little kids i cant belive the
Hate with a vengeance they did beat it seemed such a
Pointless scene they love to
Instill the fear whenever
They are near it just goes on and on what are we gonna do
Aobut the men in blue its
Such a scary wat to live they
Take away what they should
Give you know they do
Whatever they can cause our
Rights are in their hands and
Theres nothingwe can do to stop it they killed a five
Year old boy his gun was just
A toy they say theyre really
Sorry so many more have died
From their violent crimes
That is how they protcet and
Serve us we feel so powerless
They make so little sense they hate us theyre our
Defense what are we gonna do
About the men in blue