Once in royal Da-avi-id's city, Stood a lowly ca-attle-le shed Where a mother lai-aid her-er Baby, In a manger for-or Hi-is bed Mary was that mother mild Jesus Christ her li-ittle-le Child He came down to ear-earth fro-om heaven, Who is God and Lor-ord o-of all And His shelter wa-as a-a stable, And His cradle wa-as a-a stall With the poor, and mean, and lowly Lived on earth our Sa-avior-ior holy And through all His wo-ondrou-ous childhood, He would honor a-and o-obey Love and watch the lo-owly-y maiden, In whose gentle ar-arms He-ee lay Christian children all must be Mild, obedient, goo-ood a-as He For He is our childhood's pa-attern, Day by day, like u-us He-ee grew He was little, wea-eak a-and helpless, Tears and smiles like u-us He-ee knew And He feeleth for our sadness And He shareth i-in ou-our gladness And our eyes at la-ast sha-all see Him, Through His own redee-eemi-ing love For that Child so dear-ear a-and gentle, Is our Lord in hea-eaven above And He leads His children o-on To the place where He-ee i-is gone Not in that poor low-owly-y stable, With the oxen sta-andi-ing by We shall see Him bu-ut i-in heaven, Set at God's right ha-and o-on high Where like stars His children crowned All in white shall wa-ait a-around