Yonder Mountain String Band

Cryin' Holy Unto My Lord

Yonder Mountain String Band

Cryin' holy unto my Lord,
Cryin' holy unto my Lord
For if I could I surely would
Stand on the rock, praise God and Moses stood

Sinner, run and hide your face
Sinner, run and hide your face
Sinner, run to the rock and hide your face
For the day, there won't be a hiding place

[ Chorus ]

Sinner, run and know you're alone
Sinner, run and know you're alone
Sinner, run to the rock, and know you're alone
I don't fear the savior now

[ Chorus ]

Yes, I know my Savior now
Yes, I know my Savior now
For into the wall, I cried out his name
And I love my Savior now

[ Chorus - x2 ]