Yngwie Malmsteen

All I Want is Everything

Yngwie Malmsteen

Tom: G

tune down 1/2 step

                       w/ wah



  Verse  (play 4x)
 Rhy Fig.1                                 1/4  1/4====





Rhy Fig.3                          1/4


Guitar Solo












                 w/wah wah


<> slides, randomly














h = hammeron                    Judy Letostak                         

/\ = slide                      Fidonet 1:202/762                     
x = ghost note                  MetalNet 282:100/2                    
t = tap (right hand)            The Music Shop BBS (619)423-4970 24hrs
~ = vibrato                     * = picked harmonic
bf = bend full                  tr = trill
rb = release bend               p.s. = pick scrape
dive = dive with bar            b = bend / step written over note
% = repeat bar                  + = natural harmonic