Blood giveth life and blood taketh life The shadows of the end take over the light The treacherous death of the pure white By the hands of the venomous snake s knife ' Unleashed (at last) the start of the greatest fight Under the wings of the eternal night Hunting the snake for revenge s sake Sealed he was in a rock of endless ache A long winter came at last The end is near, but not so fast The blood oath shall be forgotten An endless rage. An era so rotten The sun has faded, lost its glitter Swallowed whole by a pursuer, not a quitter The moon as well, a captive it became The equilibrium was lost, who s to blame? The shaking of the grounds unleashed the beasts An era of blood, the devil s feasts ' The final battle has now began The doom is near, about it nothing can be done All is prepared for the final stride What once was sealed cannot be denied Odin perished by the hands of fenrir Avenged by vidar in the heart with a spear Thor collided with the great snake The vicious fight is no fake Victorious he was but no for so long The time has come for the warrior to be gone Loki as well engrossed in his battle Face to face with heimdal the score to settle An era of chaos and a scorching fire A black sky engulfing the world entire At last the ground finally gave in Sank in the depth of the frozen ocean The sacrifices that were made were not in vain What once was lost shall be regained The ocean that swallowed the wretched ground Erased the scars so profound And once again it s back to life So pure and vivid, a new life The tree of the world was the source of all The shelter of the two who shall answer the call Few are those who the end survived Learning from those who are long dead And thus it began, a new journey With the wisdom of the past and memories so thorny