My child, my comfort, you're going away Please be a good son With tears and trembling Your dear, faithful mother begs you You're going away my one and only child Across the distant seas Arrive there safely and in good health And don't forget your mother Yes, go in health and with good fortune And be sure to write a letter each week To delight your mother's heart A letter to your mother Don't delay Write soon, my beloved child, And give her solace Your mother will read your letter And she will be comforted You'll heal her pain and her aching heart And revive her spirits Eight years now, i've been alone My child has wandered far away His childish heart is hard as stone I've not received a single letter How can he still have courage? How has life treated him? He must be well of And doesn't want me to know I've sent a hundred letters And he hasn't the slightest notion How deep my grief is In new york city, a wealthy home Full of hearts without pity There lives her child in luxury With his happy family A beautiful wife, two children With radiant faces And as he sits and beams with joy He receives a letter Your mother is dead! it has come to pass In life you neglected her This was her last wish Say kaddish for your mother Don't delay Say it soon, my beloved child, And give her solace Your mother will hear your kadish In her grave gladly You'll heal her pain and her bitter heart And revive her spirits