the lovely sinking ocean the lonely crying road the last standing light post proud but alone that old rusted street bench from berkeley to chicago i miss our old town cold but beautiful and we could still make it today if we manage to stay on our feet and the promise of better days fuck it we're doing fine without it we're like old dogs on tour a crumbling house in fargo drink with you in orlando this city looks fine when the lights are all closed walking 'round seattle there's way too many angels it's too late for beer I need a coke and we still think of excuses to drink every night for the past seven years and i know she'll be with you tonight but staying home would be like dying we're like old dogs on tour and we still think of excuses to drink every night for the past seven years and i know she'll be with you tonight but staying home would be like dying and we still need excuses to drink tonight and tomorrow morning and we could still make it today after all there's something on my feet we're like old dogs on tour