I've got balls of steel because I've been through a lot In a Cuban jail cell I was left to rot With that Castro fuck trying to tell me what to think In May of 1980 I was set free, set free A Political Refugee My calling in life the American Dream Emilya Rebenga to get the job done Cause I kill Communists for fun & for a green card I carve them up real nice To get to the Top I'll surpass the rest If you fuck with me you're fucking with the best You've got a chainsaw so I spit in your face The steps that I took to get the top Mannie killed Frank I killed that crooked cop & you're a tiger you belong to me because your husband is dead I want the world & everything in it Snort a gram of Coke every other minute Mr. Paranoia & me you know we're real good friends I go to war when times are tough I get high on life when I get Coked up & I'm a pitchfork assassin until the end because I've got to be free I'm a pitchfork assassin until the end because I've got to be free, free, free . . . . . .