Lay down! Lay, lay down! You're down! Decreasing evolution, promiscuous, insanity, you're fake! Get down! Disgrace! Dishonor your principles, disrespect to your race! And now, oh you fall! I have my reasons and you all know! They know! Disgrace! Tempting your future, you’ve got the wrong way! We're here again Showing as fake You look to me Betraying your friends! Do you think Nobody mind? Fall! Last chance! Humiliation dictionary, I take, you pay the price Good talk! Good trick! First came that great big wave, but how long you could stand? And now, it’s show time To bleed is good you can't deny! You chose all this I can't stand that shit I can't stand that shit! Oh burn! And pray There's no more escape You threw your future away Stand now like a man Soon you see the devil's face It isn't a basket case