Worn out - a broken, fucked-up Mind. an empty shell of life con- Scious, breathing, feeling. forced On society's back - nailed to the Freakshow cross. Submissive lever raging through The veins. distorting the values Set by us all. you've lost all con- Trol. immoral machines all pleas- Ure & greed. Shadow world Liquify the senses and inhale the Poison. a way to find the path to Divinity. arise from filth, always Fought for what you believed in The crystal saviour will help you On your way Distorting the values set by us All. you've lost all control Immoral machines of pleasure & Greed. Shadow world Slipping away into a twisted state Of grace. the pain ignites my Growth. nightmare closing in, Bleeding and begging for an end To come. the spawn of a shadow World. shadow world. distorting The values set by us all. you've Lost all control. immoral Machines of pleasure & greed.