I may be a simple lass, but of sin I am free I say me prayers, attend the mass, so paradise I will see Me face is pretty, so I've been told, I've had me share of swains One of which were far to bold, to impious and too vain So I opened his gut, with a single deep cut, and his boots turned warm n'red Then he knelt in the sand, with his bowels in hand, as slowly to death he bled And then the man who looked fer bass, in me barrow at the square Then asked fer me to be his lass, he said he'd pay me fair But I have kept me chastity, abstained from adultery But he listened not and he would not see, as he reached put fer me So I shovelled his mouth, down a barrel of trout, till his knuckles turned boney white As he struggled for air, but I held him down there 'til he finally gave up the fight One day it seemed me luck had turned, as there approached to me A noble lad who fer me yearned, he wished to marry me He courted me fer many weeks, 'til finally I sad aye But then his friend with rosy cheeks, tried drunk to with me lay So I had the man hanged, as me wedding bells rang So his pants turned solied n' brown Then his eyes filled with blood, and he dropped in the mud As the hang-man cut him down And so came then me wedding night, fer which I had so longed But his moves were far from right, to heathens they belonged! So I smothered me man, with me pillow in hand 'Till his prick turned stiff and black Then I dug him a grave, so his soul I'd save Now I a widow may be, but from sin I am free Now I a widow may be, but from sin I am free And with his pension, I money won't lack