He came from the deep of the abyss and mystic paradise, live in the world as fit not outside the world, folded before all spiritual restlessness and the elevated thing, dreamed about the intellectual landscape of another Life. He lived uncomfortable before the insignificant sense of living Patient of the consequent spirit to his intelligence. He lived in close isolation towards the perception on sublimates it, conjugated reasoning And sensitivity in lobo steppen their cautious said see the conquests of the spirit, aversion and loathing before the eternal purity, singular character, their spirit was lost In the bitterly sad desperation, eyes, evident melancholy, a desolated brilliance illuminated its solitude, adapted the form and silhouette of the margin Of the knowledge and experience, detested the superficiality incapable of all sociability, passing through the limits of the conventional thing. After the deep eminence and yearning, the delicate and cloudy solitude will arrive. It's eagerness was to dream an absurd and skifull world never, core multifaceted of lobo steppen.