شوي شوي على مهلك مع مرور الوقت ما لازم قلك شوي شوي خود وقتك لو غففت شوي رح ضلني قلك نفسك قصير ليه مستعجل ليه. ما مخليلي وقت ارتاح عم ضيع عم اتعب يا ريت ك تتأكد شوي يا وياك أوعى شوي شوي على مهلك مع مرور الوقت ما لازم قلك نفسك قصير ليه مستعجل ليه ما. مخليلي وقت ارتاح Slowly (slowly, slowly) Slowly, slowly, take your time, Even if you slowed down a little, we will still make it. Slowly, slowly, take your time, Even if you slowed down a little we will make it. Your breathing is heavy, why are you in a rush, why? You didn't leave me any time to rest. I'm getting lost, i wish you would slow down a little, i wish. Slowly, slowly, take your time, time is ours, Your breath is hard, why are you in a rush, why? You didn't leave me any time to rest. Your breathing is heavy, why are you in a rush, why? You didn't leave me any time to rest. Your breathing is heavy, why are you in a rush, why? You didn't leave me any time to rest. (x4)