Curious about the secrets of thie life Anxions what the future has in store for me My smattering of the evil in this world makes me feel innocent Protect and safe by my own ignorance MY MOM SAID TAKE CARE WITH THE ALCOHOL MY MOM SAID TAKE CARE WITH THOSE PUNKS MY MOM SAID TAKE CARE WITH THE SLATTERNLY GIRLS MY MOM THOUGHT MY FREINDS ARE SKUNS Me and my best friend were standing on a hill And we watched the nightly lights of town Drunk with the magic of the moment and from the excellent beer High from whatever it tastes so good What's the sense of life when you sleep the day and drink at night And can't remember you the next morning? I don't need any drugs to fill the void in my life I drink to suffer your stupid facial expressions And my mother always said that drugs are not good for me I always think about when I drink a beer And my mother almays said that drugs are not good for me I always think about it when I order a beer or scotch or gin or tequila