Party people! Let's get funky now 1 time Yo everybody talk about us baby Get you crazy all night long Oh right now saishin hajimeru FUROu! Stomp! Yo! hajikete zenkai! hamete GEDDAN! hacchakete! SHAI ni BAIBAI! osoroi ni teburi issho ni FURIFURI nogasazu CHOPPU! hanatsu hadou! Shake it! Girl! mawarimawatte KIRARI NYU-WE-BU DON to hazun de BIBASHIBIRERU Mo' strain! Go straight! Don't worry! You gotta be! sou kocchi oide! zutto KI-PU! zutto KI-PU! mi ra i ga ka ke a ga ru *1 EREKUTORIKKU JANKI- O-NAI RONGU right foot left foot agare boogie woogie HEINAU turnin' to the right turnin' to the left GECCHU- O-BA- HI-TO RANRANRAN ashita ni natte atarashiku natte wagamama mo itte PANKU mo shichatte turnin' to the right turnin' to the left GECCHU- O-BA- HI-TO RANNINGU get up the people turnin' to the right get up the people turnin' to the left get up the people turnin' to the right talkin to me talkin to me get up the people turnin' to the right get up the people turnin' to the left get up the people turnin' to the right talkin to me talkin to me kimi wa kakudan SHU-RU ANDA-GURAUNDO KUWI-N de HAIFAI SAUNDO MAMI- BEIBE- DAINAMAITO GURU-BU de DANSU FUROA wa HAPPI- YEI- chi kyu u ga ma wa ri da su EREKUTORIKKU DANSHIN O-NAI RONGU right foot left foot maware boogie woogie HEINAU turnin' to the right turnin' to the left GECCHU- O-BA- HI-TO RANRANRAN A ni odotte B ni mo togatte maruku wa ni natte REINBO- SHAWA- de turnin' to the right turnin' to the left GECCHU- O-BA- HI-TO RANNINGU *2 kimagure ni zanshin ranshin shitai yo hodohodo ni danshi xxx shitai yo dashinuite goukai houkai shitai yo yousuru ni tensai mansai shitai yo kimete (FAITO!) subette (FAITO!) TURUTTUTUTU TUTU FAITO! dou desu sou desu kou desu honto desu *2, *1 repeat