The process invisibly begins Hearing that melting sound anew Experience that the Ices Are letting you see In your fragrant grace You walk Xzoriath Terraining a fresh uncertainty The biological manuscript interruptedaFollow the path Where the Friarmonk slowly learned How to distress The untouchable Purpose of Man Knifes are unsharp Of blind men using them Constantly armed In the circus of delivery Let them show you How to challenge the Prudence In the operative mood Let them prove you How the exclamation marks Reveal the secrets though Disposition to grasp The fake time-dimension Boiling in God And the man catches the rest Concealing his own universality That might to kill Every try to be resurrected Categorising the steps Is the key To Virginity Drinking the milk From reviving angels Without to reproduce The Picture The Picture of God Follow the path Where the Friermonk slowly learned How to protect The milk of a Virgin From not turning red Garnish the misery with salve From your very Soul You act Xzoriath Lavish the parts of the figures Created of fermenting limbs In forgotten consciousness The Inapplicable Face is born In your fragrant grace You walk Xzoriath Create me a link To the gate of your death To the range of unborn Oh Xzoriath Create me a link To the range of unborn To the gate of your death Oh Xzoriath