100 million children living on the streets tonight. They didn’t choose this fate, but they must struggle to survive. How many of them will die before you see that an unconceived child is not as important as those already living? How would you explain to a neglected child that you have the wealth, the strength, the love to save their life, but instead you create an image of yourself and allow them to die? Allow them to die. And it all comes back down to this. And all I hear are justifications based on your own arrogance, your selfishness and laziness, a false pretense of social dominance, and all I see is them still suffering. Why would you bring a child into a world that’s dying? Where all is becoming toxic, from the soil, water, even the air that we breathe. Seems like a horrible gift as your legacy, but you still procreate continually. Out of respect for the Earth’s resources that we exploit, we need to stem our flow, because we’re not alone. We have the right to be here, but not everywhere at once. We have a right to live, but not to destroy this earth. And it all comes back down to this. And all I hear are justifications based on your own arrogance, your selfishness and laziness, a false pretense of species dominance, and all I see is them still suffering. And it comes back down to this. And it comes back down to overpopulation. So until every orphaned child has a loving family, Until we learn to coexist peacefully, Until we’ve reconciled the environmental damage that we’ve reeked, do I think we have any right to breed? No. No right at all