For every life for liberation we're dedicated to bringing freedom for all enslaved tear the blindfold from over your eyes forget all that you thought you once knew after 10, 000 years of telling lies dedicated to spreading the truth taking pride in this path that we tread in defense of the earth speaking out so the words of the voiceless can finally be heard now's the time to take action for freedom and justice deserved FIGHT FOR LIFE take a stand for truth and compassion there's no time to wait for change show dedication through your words and your actions together we can end their suffering TOTAL LIBERATION smash hierarchy don't buy into authority strive for sustainability resources are running out discontent because we're not free oppressors act out of greed compassion and equality are both necessary reject the myths we were taught to believe it's time to deprogram ourselves question stereotypes and traditions follow no gods, no masters look at the root of racism, sexism, speciesism and you'll see, it's all been fabricated to keep us apart BREAK DOWN THE BARRIERS THAT ENSLAVE US ALL