
Have You Seen Jackie?


Have you seen Jackie? 
He's a strange strange strange little girl 
Make up on his face and his hair in curls 
Have you seen Jackie? 
She's a strange strange strange little boy 
Her long black beard is her pride and joy 

And all the children follow him around 
And all the grownups try to drag her down 
So we sing 
Hey, leave Jackie alone 
Hey, his pigeons have flown 
Hey, she's never at home at all these days 
Leave Jackie alone 

Have you seen Jackie? 
He's an odd odd odd little fish 
To fly around is his only wish 
Have you seen Jackie? 
She's a queer queer queer little bird 
Shy and quiet neither scene nor herd 

And all the rats will follow him around 
The dogs and cats will chase her from the town 
And we sing 
Hey, leave Jackie alone 
Hey, his mind is all blown 
Hey, she's not on the phone at all these days 
Leave Jackie alone 
Jackie couldn't decide if he was a girl 
Or if she was a boy 
Have you seen Jackie?