Immaculata, bored by our mistakes But is it clear to you? Bongo, by now it must be Honey honey honey honey, i'm lost Dolly, honey, hun, i'm lost The ropes have pulled tight The ropes have pulled tighter, i'm lost Consolata the executioner Whoop, she lost her job Ping pong like a pissing chuco The ropes have pulled tight The ropes have pulled tighter Hee haw, hee haw, i'm lost Dada, hatch the egg A bird's nest of joy, i'm lost Oh caca culotte, appropriata a tune I are as lost as you is, away on the moon Caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw Honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey I'm l-o-s-t, pee oh you on me Honey, honey, honey, honey, catholics and jews Honey is tomato dummy face Honey is slutty, don't be blind I'm lost, i'm lost, i'm lost, i'm lost, i'm lost