All shall shriek in horror from our ominpotence! I'm an entity drawn here, crossed from another time Arisen from my grave of eternity, perceived a God To rule the whole of humanity, flesh of my flesh Blood of my blood, existence from which you flow Scorching earth, burning seas Blackening skies, constructing allies Repent and dwell as a penitent Thy dark legions, incarnation reich For they come, liberators, abomination of the dark fate Roared like thunder, casualities, sacrificial warfare Bow down, demoralize, excreting purity Shadows taunted, march despair, into impurity Pray to what God (you believe in), he has crushed! Prophet, clairvoyant, realm of reason, sanity Feudal knights, slayers, accosted by birthright Wehrmacht, seige and crush, extermination thy fatality Bow down, demoralize, excreting purity I, the juggernaut master of all time Feel my storm for it's coming! Insurge messiah, operation mortality Totalitary regimes, seer of oblivion