On the most blackened wings of death We're raging on and on On the wings of Armageddon Nocturnal mercenaries send Gonna fight until the end On the blackened wings of darkness Swirling clouds of smoke and dust Spellbound through the maze Cracking death lies down in circles Avid mighty black-winged stern command On the most blackened wings of death... we ride The frail bones of the world are shaking at the dawn of destruction The sky scorched black by flame and burning embers Swallowed whole by the shattering grimness Endless funeral grounds as far as the eye can see Speaking the tongue of death, riding along with death and madness Like locusts, ghostlike locusts riding the wings of darkness On the most blackened wings of death... we ride The frail bones of the world are shaking at the dawn of destruction On the most blackened wings of death We're raging on and on On the wings of Armageddon Nocturnal mercenaries send Gonna die and die again Black-winged darkness