she raises up her hand is it a fist or a farewell? she's leaving at the first sign of trouble the way things stand, it's just as well... some things are forgotten some things are lost one thing's a given... that's no way to live- unforgiven... she keeps her lists in good order she taps her pencil, makes a mark. she's not forgotten not one single one she counts them like sheep in the dark some dreams are crazy some are not dreams at all one thing is a given- that's no way to live... unforgiven... it's the way that you fight when the walls come down it's a sign, it's a light in some dark mountain town it's the last thing you see when you lay your head down to sleep... She wonders how it all started She thinks about changing her name but just like weapons of mass destruction there's always someone to blame winter is falling thru a hole in the sky one thing's a given that's no way to live... it's the way that you fight when the walls come down it's a sign, it's a light in some dark mountain town it's the last thing you see when you lay your head down to sleep... down to sleep...