well I took a look at the palm of my hand it was a whole new view of the lay of the land well I read the signs and they all came true when I got that letter from you well you had excuses for the times in question there were far too many to mention well I should have known but I would not see until you wrote that letter to me so tell me what you gonna do, what you gonna do with your time now that this deception is over well I should have known better, should have known better should have know what you were I should have known to take cover well I should have known well you were so cruel you were so kind so hard to resist but so hard to find your words so sweet or so they seemed until you wrote that letter to me so tell me what you gonna do, what you gonna do with your time now that this deception is over well I should have known better, should have known better should have known what you were should have known to take cover so tell me what you gonna do, what you gonna do with your time now that this deception is over well I should have known better, should have known better should have known what you were should have known to take cover what you gonna do, what you gonna do with your time now that this deception is over well I should have known better, should have known better should have known better what you were should have known to take cover we walk the edge together my sweet we walk that fine edge but we never did fall all the way in open the door it's much more than what side you wear your colours on let me in, let me in let's see how far we can feel