Wye Oak


Wye Oak

Sing out at me
See right through me
Send those dangerous things to me

All together
I am melting
I see stars that never come down

All their fingers
Underneath me
All the myths, they could've raised me

I am able
I am ready
Almost I can take them with me

In the future
I'm forgiving
Hoping they fall only living

And the faces
Strangers only
Those who see me, will they know me

Find me at the
Tattoo finding
Close my eyes and know my body

I am not a
Pour my song it's not

Oh my god
I close my eyes
Leave me unidentified

It was wrong
But I was right
I am saved, I am light

When I go
Close my eyes
Leave me unidentified

It was wrong
But I was right
I am saved, I am light