


Through a plateau myriad 
The structures reach 
Like a transdimensional plague 

Something we never did confront 
But stand affected of 

A grand sewer that swallowed 
Our race aeons ago 

We reflect it's grandeur 
While fading 
Into that darkness 

We reflect it's grandeur 
While fading 
Into the downward spiral 

The deep end of the structure 

The fourth quarter of impatience 
As our worlds are infected 
Like we weren't parasites ourselves 

Through a myriad worlds of hell 
The conclusion is sent 
As an act of mercy 
Of in disgust 

We are impatient to receive 

"Hellworlds, a bowl of black, i bathe and baptise 
Is it enough to enter the hellworlds, to extinction 
Heroism is cowardice, your virtues your demise 
Rotting and a half, Battle army of flamemolded giants 
Endless harm, revelation of an apocalypse 
Above i see the old man, and above i see the horns 
Hell is here, and you'd rather be somewhere else 
The downward spiral, rather tempting"