Deprived and hated scraps A slumber of intoxicated saints that were delivered into vacuums arms With great pleasure Evil came to show the way to the cliff Cruel and unpleasant story of life bound to treasured agony Virtues born from a pipeful of dreams A goat smiled back to me Was death to you a relief? Sons of darkness had no christ A mass at the final sunset We wawed farewell to a white way of deceit Serpents desire and lustful eyes I danced with the goat Dreamer is no longer passive Dreamer is no longer dead I knew it all Before the monumental beast Cold pain was just memory (at the gates) Do they know their death by name? Destruction passed by my eyes Their kingdoms were forgotten Those who fall beneath us are denied Hail to the black and obvious Light can't fuck you dead A shelter for the wrath I walked the fields to step on every flower. I did things of ignorance though I knew Pencils grow in hands that don't fumble A masquerade in empty statements Almighty emptiness See your triumph as a fall My eyes do gleam Drawn to hatred Agony supreme Call the defiance, call the lust Make me joyous As night falls Glory and hope Under the horns Gleaming black wings Escape the real You know how As night falls I can dream again There's no dawn Let me in Darkness is as real Call it home As night falls