Forever under fire your strength grows weak You search for survival in this hell we keep Penance paid the torture approaches Wave a fist to try me attempt to crucify me I'm burned to bits I'm laughing My evil plots devotion to the sickened minds in motion Money turns the tumblers in me I crave the desire to watch you expire A pitiful sight to see Which deep blue vein will stop the flow Well I'm still laughing don't you know I'll inspect you till the closing stage And laugh you under when you die in caustic sleep See my emotion watch me take over Never a leader always a taker Spare me your anger I could care less And so the day has come for judgment of you and me I've never seen a more deserving bastard to die the death you'll feel Your body will burn in agony and make my pleasure swell You'll never see your dreams matter they'll just fade away All your life you've live a nightmare portraying innocence When guilt has ruled your mind forever will you still deny Cry out in pain an danger your God is dead Must we all live in your shadow