In tenderness he sought me Weary and sick with sin And on his shoulders brought me Back to his fold again While angels in his presence sang Until the courts of heaven rang Oh the love that sought me Oh the blood that bought me Oh the grace that brought me To the fold Wondrous grace that brought me To the fold He washed the bleeding sin wounds And poured oil and wine He whispered to assure me "i've found you, you are mine," I never heard a sweeter voice It made my aching heart rejoice He pointed to the nailâ©prints For me his blood was shed A mocking crown so thorny Was placed upon his head I wondered what he saw in me To suffer such deep agony I'm sitting in his presence The sunshine of his face While with adoring wonder His blessings i retrace It seems as if eternal days Are far too short to sound His praise So while the hours are passing All now is perfect rest I'm waiting for the morning The brightest and the best When he will call us to his side To be with him His spotless bride.