Standing here In the void inside my life Nothing moves Cause nothing changes Beneath the grey skies No dawn will remember me My body buried at the end of time I always awake to find the clouds Have eaten up the sky above Nothing is left, the earth is dead I travel forever to find another like me But the search is empty I am the only one that is alive I have waited a thousand years To hear your voice between the stars And over the plateau of dream But the void has eaten me again And there is nothing here to search for Waiting for the tides of madness Drown me in my own dreams I cannot find the window To transcend this place I am lost again Wandering, where will it end Lost among breeze and wind The coldness of the ether drys my perception Whispers of the ghost world somewhere Just before my dawn Behind my vision is a world ive sought But i will never see I hear the words spoken beneath But the sound is lost in the silence between The silence of this world Envelops my body Into madness i descend