I offer my indisposed shell to the contorted shadows lingering across my room Besides them the only eyes fixed on me are my own tears flowing obsessions in the mirror Gripped with stiff hands I relinquish my right to live amongst the sea of entitled mannequins Futile attempts to rise into the sky leave me perilous and dry Haunted by the clergy I chose Let me go, I wish to decompose Constricted by crippling insecurity Without the Sun I live The aether calls, to relieve the earth of my wasteful existence When the Sun is buried beneath the hills, ethereal winds pull my desire to the blackened skies Moonlight guide thy hand and tie thy rope Without the Sun I die The aether calls, to relieve the earth of my wasteful existence When the Sun is buried beneath the hills, ethereal winds pull my desire to the blackened skies Moonlight guide thy hand and tie thy rope Discover me in the woods I explored as a child My neck hung from the thickest branch for the flocks to feast on the brain matter representing untapped potential Feet suspended a mere inch above the dirt Leaving enough space for rodent swarms to chew upon the limbs that could never walk to the pedestal set Day by day I wither away Blissfully into the ether I stray