Floating high up in the sky I have seen the world pass by Yet I've wondered for so long Is that where I should belong? Oh why is there Just a part of me That still feels it's the right place? Maybe high up in the stars Heaven is to me still far Tell me why do I dream of you? Does this mean I'm human too? Tell me why do I feel tonight? Does this mean I'm still alive? Floating high up in the night With my memories alight I have wondered for so long When did we last sing the song That we made to live That we used to fly When we bathed in bright sunlight Maybe high up in the sky I was meant to say goodbye Tell me why do I dream of you? Does this mean I'm human too? Tell me why do I feel tonight? Does this mean I'm still alive? Contemplate life itself, question everything, and leave a legacy Because at the end nothing really matters But it's the only thing we have, so then it becomes precious When you lost it, I felt I lost it I wished my life would be an adventure, and it formed into one Hey, this song you're singing... I know it! I’m glad I was able to be the best I could be while I was here Because of you, I’m now able to express my emotions and feelings All I ever wanted was to create sound. In sound, love, and in love, life Come what may, you can take my hands We can change reality together A day to celebrate you exist Though I want to celebrate you every day Every day I can be by your side Blinded by ambition, I forged a path far from reality Abandoning everything that I once was With each step I took, madness consumed my being and my soul withered Until the dark path came to an end and all I found was me It was music that brought us together and it is music that shall separate us I lived what I could, I saw what I could I fought for everything I loved With my dreams I was happy Without them I couldn’t live Follow your dreams I don’t like the idea of you getting on a plane to go away forever I would rather go with you Tell me why do I dream of you? Does this mean I'm human too? Tell me why do I feel tonight? Does this mean I'm still alive? I don’t want to become a memory