Art is dead and it took god with him Try to save his soul singing in a museum But you can buy his heart on a discount rack if you look way in the back I’m talking way in the back Syrup so sweet sugar making me choke spoon fed so deep stuck in my throat Need a sledgehammer if were wanna break through Hollywood magic like a deja voo-doo Everybody want the same old song A clever little tune that we can sing along with A lot of blank stares in the golden age of pity in the Vanilla suburbs and the chocolate cities Promising lips with the devil in his eye Making all the babies giggle and the young girls sigh He said excuse me can i take your world order Happy meal number 3 cost you freedom and a quarter The rich are getting rich and the poor stay poor Poverty line’s not a line no more It’s more like a border Try to make sense but your words keep you rambling Blowin all your chances like a riverboat gambling Afraid to lose the moment so you do dumb things Like try to sing a song no one else sings The melody twists and tweaks off pitch And everybody wishes for that off switch I write a catchy little tune and you all sing along Cause everybody wants the same old song Everybody want the same old song A clever little tune that we can sing along with