Bomb hits the tower drains the superpower Building spilling out flame in a shower Innocence don't make sense they go out for us With spirit getting buried in a cloud of dust We scramble through the meaningless and look to religion Pray a holy man be sent with higher vision Hope he be a philosopher artist or musician But only fear hits my ear through the radio transmission All the kings horses and all the kings men Couldn't put it back to together again When rome was burning down nero play his violin Listen low to hear the sound still echo in the wind The asylum on the island though that no one could ever touch No glutton snooze button cuz we already sleep to much Put the meaning in their sacrifice by waking the fuck up and asking Why does half the world hate out government so much All the kings horses and all the kings men Couldn't put it back together again Don't put it back together don't put it in the back of your mind If we go back to the beginning everything will work out fine So don't be afraid