Survival depends on defiance of law The rejection of sanitised, obstructive causes Reversion to primitive, instinctive impulse The thrill of the hunt, the encompassing rush Those who deviate from common bounds Must suffer the scorn of a nation enraged And those who would inflict this barbaric transgression Will face no reprisal removed from confession Heed well this warning of due darkness told Hear now this story of two darkened souls This friendship bold, alliance strong Upon this path we've strayed too long The Autumn air bears nought but calm Not mute despair, nor mild alarm As dusk ensues, we walk still more Retracing paths from days of yore The bonds of brethren strengthened still Beneath this weathered house on Hollow's Hill Unaware of what abounds Oblivious to what surrounds Darkness collects, the cataract manifests The son is overwhelmed, the Sun beaten back Attacked by the blackest, immodest hate Two souls unburdened by morality Spite centered, ungendered spawn Of Hell's merciless abyss Grasped by fingers of strengthened ire Forged Mephistophelian beings of dark desire Dragged are they to the house above Taken away from all that would brave this tumult So here begins the end of Summer's light The death of all Glorification of the unholy, the night The clasp of iron holds me tight My throat contracts with gut-wrenching fright Sick visions fill my head Am I alive, or am I fucking dead? Tight shackles brace my wrists Flesh held, molested, binding unstitched As dolls made and broken We children of Goshen Torn screaming from plenty To pastures abhorrent and empty If walls could talk, an endless horror told These four boards of unknown ages old This house removed from time and space A loveless void God cannot penetrate Still ever more sickening this torment becomes More stitches removed as we slowly come undone Exposing the moist innards of the prey Together in life we shared a bond Forever in death we suffer alone Our bodies carved to the bone, unprotected The warning of common sense here attested These two kindred spirits, molested and ingested Beneath an empty sky, a deed here done sublime The Godless stars forever baring witness to our crime Satisfied are we Satisfied are we