Awake, awake A sense of dread doth penetrate My head it spins, my legs, they quake An ill here done in shroud of dark Eyes that cannot see For fear that what beheld Would violate my sanity This lightless room This cold and sightless tomb What terrors herein lurk I must expose yet fear exert it's course Yet more I illuminate! Oh strongest discord! And boldest misdeed! A chill runs down my spine surveying this scene A body there lies dead at my feet Cold and inert It's lifeblood drained from gaping slits Face contorted in silent suffering Before the ensuing release of death Speechless I move Mindlessly lost A scream from the shadows, resounding in shock My candle doth drop, I fall to my knees Braying in horror at what I have seen Lidless eyes staring accusingly The blood on my own hands incriminating me Yet something is missing, something I should know Reality sets, my blood runs cold The body familiar, someone I once knew A lifetime ago in an age lost in mist Now no longer failing, my memory renewed An innocent victim denied his existence I sink to weary knees once more Beside this broken man upon the floor Have I killed him? Yes, I have killed him For he is me and I am forsaken Henceforth forevermore to this lightless room This soul confining tomb In life I yearned to be rid of myself Alas I death we rot together in this hell