Do you remember when you met me? Everyone was so amused. "Why'd ya take up with this girl? She's kinda spaced, and looks confused." Guess I must of been too dense to let it get me down. 'Cuz, I just woke up one day with nice things around... Evidently, my time has come. It's nothing I did that I can see. The same energy it took to fumble, carrys me through so I succeed. I was crawling through the desert, searching for some sign of life. Always knew that my oasis, was up ahead, just to the right. And as I threw my body against the wind, Suddenly I lost resistance, and so it begins... Evidently, my time has come. It's nothing I did that I can see. The same energy it took to fumble, carrys me through so I succeed. (Solo) Evidently my time has come... it's come...