One toy for biting And another just to look at So what toy should I pick And start playing with In this game that's pinker than blue I don't know what to do Not even how to start I sit down to observe And straight the learning curve In this game that's pinker than blue Tchoo-doop tchoo-doo Deux femmes et un garçon Tchoo-doop tchoo-doo Deux femmes et un garçon Ç'a toujours eté mon genre d'idée Maintenant, j'en suis là Deux femmes et un garçon? As this is my first time I like to keep it slow At the wink of an eye I turn and take control In this game that's pinker than blue Tchoo-doop tchoo-doo Deux femmes et un garçon Tchoo-doop tchoo-doo Deux femmes et un garçon Ça a toujours eté mon genre d'idee Maintenaut, je'n suis là Deux femmes et un garçon?