Tous (off): The day is past and over: All thanks, oh Lord to thee, I pray thee now that sinless the hours of dark may be: Though many are the perils through which I have to go Oh Lord, keep me in thy sight And guard me through the coming night. The holly and the ivy When they are both full grown Of all the trees that are in the wood, The holly bears the crown O the rising of the sun And the running of the deer The playing of the merry organ, Sweet singing in the choir Sweet singing in the choir Sweet singing in the choir Sing for it's Lammastide Sing for it's Lammastide Dance for who knows If we'll live till the spring Dance for who knows If we'll live till the spring What will protect us? A doll made of corn. During this, events become gothic and unreal we hear ironic echoes of the story so far - voices swirling and overlapping. Anne Catherick, Laura, Hartright, Glyde and Fosco all appear to her as if in a dream Anne: I can trust you. Laura: So strange and yet so true I see myself… Marian: It's true. Glyde: I will not stand for it… I will not. Fosco: You'll be fine Lady Glyde. Laura: I don't trust him or anyone. Hartright: Are you happy now? Marian: Laura, you know you can trust me. Laura: Trust you, now why should I trust you? Anne: You have betrayed me. Glyde: Take her back to the asylum. Fosco: You will not be harmed. Laura: Marian wake up! Anne: I'll haunt you. Hartright: She had a secret she would tell. Anne: I'll haunt you till you die. Laura: Wake up, help me! Hartright: Perhaps I'm not the only one With secrets. Fosco: I'm a doctor. Trust me. Anne: They've come to lock me up. No, no! Glyde: You must be confined. Laura: Marian, what have they done to you? Fosco: And I never lie. Marian: I would wake and find her Wake and find her Find her…