Wolves in the Throne Room

Face in a Night Time Mirror: Part 2

Wolves in the Throne Room

Will you die today?
Will you die to save the crown?
Do you know if you'll die for the weak human?
Then you'll realize at the throne
A monster will be there in disguise
He'll run away and hide
He'll run into our magical forest
He must no longer come into our forest
Who are you fooling
Apart from the rest of your men
To whom you owe their lives
Everybody is involved
How are you really a king?

For all my faults, for all their wasted guilt, I ought to help, all around guarantors sleep

I lie in impotence
Can you fight the danger in sight?
Do I run from this and to my room
Or do I falter, screaming?
This revelation, I have failed you all
They're close, they've taken the women
Your fosters have not escaped
If I were to enforce my objection with violence
Like a wolf I will gnash my teeth
Run away and don't wait for the Sun to rise
Forever I'll slaughter
Your spirits too
Guard my land, guard my crown

Sorrow and pain inside
Fruits of loss
With my soul
Soul, soul

Until my halo rejoins my fire, Moon and Sun, you'll see through
Through my hate; I'm out of my mind in my hunger to look through the trees

It's towards the southern leg, but not through my hills

The wolf's biting jaws
And still as he speaks
My prize is ready but you are dying
It all flashes by
I plead with you: Breathe again

And what's left of our world?
Smokestacks and waterways
Trampling this underwood
I sit staring in disbelief at the river and I pray
I seek the pale face of the wolf in the crystal mirror of the water
I seek the pale face of the wolf in the crystal mirror of the water
I seek the pale face of the wolf in the crystal mirror of the water