Legions of writhing corpses lie at the feet of a forest of spears scavenging carrion pick at the flesh the seeds of a primitive wrath unremembered empower the minds turned red by the sword load the howitzers and let the lead fly and by night there will be fires... shakes the ground that bears this invasion indiscriminate killing, unleashed a primitive wrath feral dogs roam, devouring innards the war-dead reek of a hate long passed empower the minds turned red by the sword load the howitzers and let the lead fly and by night there will be fires... Legions of writhing corpses lie at the feet of a forest of spears scavenging carrion pick at the flesh and soon the dead will rise again empower the minds turned red by the sword load the howitzers and let the lead fly and by night there will be fires... ...and by night the bodies burn.