
Memento Finis


Obnubilated by the way you will pass away
Ever thought of the frenzy and whirl to die?
Absorbed by the will power to breathe
Lobotomized by a worthless attachment to life

Memento finis-A full reflection for empty beings
Mors ultima ratio-an empty existence for a full absurdity
Malum non mihi videtur esse mors
Death is not evil to me

Insignificant survival
Vanished reason
When eyes are closed there shall be no truth
Awaiting the universal void
Memento finis
Pessimistic eschatology
Mors ultima ratio

Deviant Philosophy
Fascination for the necro
Logical enthralment
Perpetual cogito
Memento finis
Life ablation
Mors ultima ratio
Entrance to an empty existence